Thursday 15 November 2012


Jealousy ... yes the word we all know very very well. The emotion that destroys most if not all of the happiness in our relationships.  The vibration that always brings down your very being and keeps you starting over and then we wonder why we cant get anywhere.. We wonder why we are the victims and why everyone is doing things to hurt us.

When we break down the jealousy we feel .. where does it come from ? Where do we store it and what sort of reactions we give off when we allow it to consume us? We get jealous for all kinds of things and we feel justified within ourselves for feeling this way. The core of this emotion is the need to "control". Control people, control their minds so that YOU are the most important thing and only YOU should be adored, respected, loved etc.

When we try to control other peoples minds all we do is push them farther away from us. The said thing you want most in your life, the person you never want to lose ends up further away from you because of these vibrations you give off that just destroys everything you have built. One of my friends said to me once ... "Jealousy blinds the heart" and for me this is true. We no longer see the beauty in ALL. When we cant see the beauty in everyone and all that IS then ugliness appears in all things.

Are we so insecure within ourselves that we will allow jealousy to consume us? Tarnishing everything we touch? everything we claim to hold dear to us? We have all have this emotion within us and sometimes it peaks its ugly head to bring our vibrations down to a level where we really dont want to be. We look at everyone and justify to ourselves that we have the right to feel this, we have the right to be angry and maybe we do but when the reactions to control others are dearer to us than understanding the actions of why people do what they do that is when our problem begins.

We cannot control what others do and should not try to .. when we do this we only build our own cage .. we build the walls that protect our fearful self from loving the way we were created to love. There is a difference in speaking your truth when you are not respected by the people in your relationships and getting jealous for every little thing. Know the difference in the two and speak your truth when you need to. If you can sit with yourself and know that the latter is what you do then have the courage to get rid of this vibration and set yourself free from the chains that bind you to this. 

I also read today .. "Dont let comparison steal your joy"..  we sometimes compare ourselves to others that bring about the jealousy within and from then on we are unhappy with ourselves because we feel we are not good enough - we dont measure up.  When we shine that light from within .. is anything comparable?  When we transcend the boundaries put on us and allow ourselves to shed these vibrations that only stop us from BEing then what is left?? What is left is the beautiful creative being of light that we ALL are. 

Saturday 27 October 2012


One of the quotes I came across recently says... "When seeking revenge ....... dig two graves". The passion that we feel inside sometimes to hurt others just as much or even more than they hurt us is like a burning desire that never gives up. Why is the need to satisfy our ego and prove that we are right more important than being at peace within ourselves?

I hear so many stories on a daily basis of what others are going to be do to hurt the people that hurt them and the thoughts of hate that they keep inside. We sometimes go out there with that passion to destroy .. it doesnt matter what it takes and we strive to bring down someone elses character just to make our own character "look" good.

What is most times overlooked is that people eventually get wise ... the truth always comes out as they would say. The need for revenge on others should not be a thought in this world of experience that we live in. Trying to hurt someone as much or more than they hurt us only fuels a never ending battle between both individuals.

There are times where we need to let go of the negativity of others and allow them to be in their own space and yes, what they may have done would hurt us,  but accept that hurt.. love that hurt and allow it to flow through taking from it the beauty it was here for. Harboring thoughts of hate and revenge for another just shows the need to be right ... not the need to be happy.

Sometimes the sweetest revenge is staying silent when they expect you to react. When someone can still make you angry to the point of where it consumes you then they still have control over you. When we can allow others to just "be" who they are and you can in turn allow yourself to bask in the beauty of your experiences then revenge would never consume you.

We have to strive and be responsible for the actions of ourselves and the vibrations we continue to carry. Not everyone is going to "love us" and not everyone you are going to allow in your space but harboring negative thoughts and using your energy to create and fuel that war will only prove to destroy you ... in light of the quote ... U are digging your own grave.

When others take the time to hurt you with words or try very hard to bring your character down .. transmute it and watch it transform into an experience that allowed you to grow instead ...

Wednesday 17 October 2012


We all have the days where we sit and maybe just cry a river of tears or you feel like the vultures at your back wont ever leave you to be.  All the memories stir inside and you come to the bitter sweet moments that is just endless.  The tears flow with a million questions.  ‘Why”…… seems to be the most popular of them.   Why do the daggers that others carry cut so deep that you feel you are in the wreckage of your own soul? 

Why do others single you out based on their own fears and perceptions and create havoc and illusions for others so that each step you take you feel like you are taking ten steps back.  What is their mission? Why do others speak ill about you even though they have no clue of who you are or what you are about?  Why are they in your life ? Why do they choose to create mischief?

Who are these vultures and what do the daggers mean?  The vultures are lights on our path … the daggers? … (smile) …. they are the lessons.  We trust others with everything we have inside sometimes but inside their intentions are not the same for us.  What do we do ?? How can we know?  We will always find the truth in things when we silence our mind.  That whisper you hear, that message you get when you just “listen”.  Its always there … that little voice.  The Angels walk with us always .. they are never far behind. 

When the vultures bring you to your knees – look up … what do you see?  Close your eyes and listen to the sky.  Find the strength in the sweet sound of the Divine …… he whispers “I am with you”.  Who can these vultures hurt?  Us?  Yes they can – but only when we allow them to.  These vultures are the catalyst that brings us to our core.  These vultures are the ones chosen to help us …. See it that way or don’t ….. it is what it is. 
They have their own lessons to learn ... we have ours.  In the breaking of hearts we sometimes learn the greatest lessons.  They have their own war within ...  they would have their own vultures they would meet on their path that will carry them to the realisation of their actions.  What we need to concentrate on is our light.  We have to be like the eagle that flies free and independent.  When we look at ourselves lets make sure we are not vultures looking for our prey day after day.
So when next you cry that river of tears and the daggers in your back seem to break you to the core remember that on our path we will find the ones that will stir us ..… it may not seem that way but when you look closer you will realise that in each of these adversities it helped you in a way far greater than what you expected.  Don’t spend your life questioning,  just believe in the limitless lessons we are here to learn.  In your silent wars the victory is there when you conquer your inner self.

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Who does not know this emotion ??  The emotion that changes how you see life -- how you perceive others and more so how much it holds you back from just Being.  We all have it from time to time and subconsciously as well -- deeply the roots connect with us and before we know it our life has passed us by with nothing great to remember. 

There are others who feed fear into others - they are the weak ones when we really look at it.  They strive for control and they live their life feeding on the fear of others.  Most fear to lose - to lose something whether material gain or something of importance to them, others fear losing someone and they live their life trying to please others instead of themselves. 

Fear is that obstacle that stops you from accomplishing everything you ever dreamed of and more. That light that is within is not controlled by the darkness inside -- the light have the power to shine so bright that the darkness will never return. 

Feeding into fear stops you from being who you truly are.   If you have to lose someone or something then its divinity stepping in that will make room for something far better - we just have to trust that.  Losing friends, relationships is very difficult and it comes with a lifetime of pain sometimes but if we grasp the lessons, grow from it and let go in love then our fears would not follow us in the next step in life and love. 

Never allow anyone to make you feel less of yourself. Sit quietly at times and listen to the little voice inside that always steer you on the right path.  There is no need to fear when we have the angels, the guides and all the beings around us sent to us by that Divine Love from above.  When you feel those wings around you and you hear that voice inside saying "I am with you"  what is there to fear ??

Hold strong to your values, you will not do everything right and the ones that hold your hand along the way will NEVER let you fall.  The ones that stand with you will always be there loving you unconditionally even after you come out of your cocoon and turn into the beautiful butterfly you are meant to be. 

Sunday 23 September 2012


Daddy ...........  That strong man with a gentle smile that make u feel so safe in the crazy world around you.  How the memories of your unconditional love still helps me to find my way through this ever changing world.  How the warmth of your love still cover me as if your protection never ceased.

The old familiar songs would play and in the memories of yesterday still lies the hope that one day we will meet again.  One thing I remember most is that I played the game of draught with him for years and he will always beat me -- then came one day I finally won -- I never wanted to play after that -- he smiled and said --- "Did u really win or did I let you win?" Haha -- I asked "so which one is it?  His answer was -- "The one that you know is true".  Why did you let me win then I asked --- his smile said it all -- I love you!

How your presense made me feel that my mistakes was not mistakes,  they were just steps being taken to reach the best of who I am.  How your punishment would put that fear that doing wrong was not an option.  How the many lessons I learnt in your silence is still with me today.  How your messages lies in the music I dont even understand. 

Thank you my beautiful father -- thank you for cubing my fruits and placing a fork in it, thank you for allowing me to suck my thumb on your lap and play with your ear.  Thank you for sacrificing for me to have what  I needed and wanted,  thank for the journey of trials and tribulations that is still unfolding.  Thank you for sitting with me nights upon nights when I didnt feel well, for making ginger tea that I hated so much.  Thank you for knowing all my mistakes even before I did and for taking my hand in yours.  Thank you for asking all the masqueraders at Carnival time for their banners so that I can go home and pretend to be them. Looking back now your love was in every act, in every smile and even in every stern word.

The lessons we learn from our parents is one of the most integral part of our upbringing.  Sometimes we miss those lessons until we become a parent ourselves and then we understand, but the lessons are never lost -- we just see it later on in life.  In every memory lies the hidden message that brings us to that special awareness. 

Thank u dad for the gift of u :)

Friday 21 September 2012

Divine Unfolding

The canvas is empty -- paint a picture -- write a story -- share a smile or just love unconditionally.  Whatever we choose to put on this canvas always have something higher at work for us and within us.    The colours on this canvas is used to create perfect rainbows in the end.

Divine unfolding - those sacred words -- what does it mean ? For me its everything that just IS.  Whenever I meditate and I sit and listen to what is told to me - I always hear --- "I am with you".  He is always with us touching our souls with every step we take.  His divine plan unfolds in everything we see.. I heard the saying quite a few times --- "We can plan all we want but HE is the best of planners. 

This sacred unfolding happens to us all the time -we just dont realise it  at the time.  Time often goes by and when we look back we know whatever happened brought us to a better place.  We are all unique -- we love differently,  however how we choose to splash the paint on our canvas will determine the picture we look at in the end.  If we look closely at the colours we would realise each colour whether dark or light is unfolding to bring us that beautiful picture.

We create everyday with the power of our thoughts, what is within projects outwards and our world is created.  The signs we get, the messages received, the people that step in and even the ones that step out are all unfolding perfectly.

The Divine - his love so vast for all his creation.   Im sure each one of us that closes our eyes and really concentrate on his love will hear the words "I am with you" :)  Trust that.

When we trust the divine plan and we go with it - flow with it and FEEL all that IS then we are at the core of our being!

Saturday 8 September 2012

The Book of Love

Im sure we continue on this journey wondering how we will find what our soul searches for. Sometimes we stop and think we found it but then life pushes us to a limit to question our decisions. We always find people that we have connections with on this path - but when we find them or they find us do we shift our world? Do we question every decision asking if it was a good one or not?


Dont question -- be free to feel what your guidance tells you. If you silence yourself you will find yourself smiling to the endless possibilities out there. The people on our path are our teachers -- every single one of them -- the chapters in our book of love are sometimes bookmarked by the intensity we feel for others and how it has impacted on our journey.


What does our soul search for ?? Why do we sit and say sometimes -- is this "IT"? What the soul searches is completeness -- the bliss of finding who you truly are in this beautiful world and on this beautiful journey.


I call it the Book of Love as everyone knows  -- "Everything is for us and not to us." Every single meeting with others is here out of Love for us -- to push us to the very core of our being - to understand who we are and to answer that question we all long to answer – “what is our purpose here?”.


Some of these people stay with us on our journey to ourselves and some change direction to follow their own path -- their own truth and turn the pages in their own Book of Love. Sometimes we are left heartbroken, we are left trying to find a way to survive. There are love stories that push us to unbearable limits and we try to find that balance to help us to move on.

Love is not based on a touch or the things that others would do to prove it to you. It is felt deep within that you just "know". Its the inner voice talking to us and in that you get the comfort of how imperfectly perfect you are.


Some say "I love you" but most times there are limits. Limits to what they can do or what they wont do -- how much they can give because they look for what you give out to match that. Unconditional love is just what it says "unconditional". I smile sometimes when I hear people around me -- I sometimes hear -- "when you give me what I need I will do what you want me to do" ever heard that ?? what about -- "U dont deserve anything because you did not give me what I wanted”.


Funny isnt it ?? We say we love others more than life itself sometimes but we wait to see what we get first before we can show our love. Love is not based on what you get back.  Its based on going within and allowing that light to shine out, rippling over with unconditional love for all. In doing that it creates that purity of Love that we all seek and in shining that light for others you will find the beauty of all that IS.


So when next you go back to your chapters and you read the bookmarked pages -- smile -- they were the most beautiful teachers. The book of Love is never closed -- the pages just keep being written as we go along on this beautiful journey :)